Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sacha's Socks

23 April 2009 - Larnaca, Cyprus. Photo taken on 8th March 2009 on the 14 day sea passage from the Andaman Islands (India) to the Maldives. Sacha's socks hanging out to dry after getting saturated in a sudden rainstorm drenched the cockpit.

I've finally found a great coffee place with strong wifi access (for the not-so-low price of €12 per day), but the problem is I'm freezing to death. Air conditioning. Ugh.

One of the many adorable things about Sacha, our Swiss crew mate on the sea passage to the Maldives, was that he got cold easily and had this great pair of hand-knitted rainbow coloured socks he bought in Nepal (where he travelled before we met him in India). He would wear them during his nightwatch. Then when we got to Gan (Maldives), the icafe had air-conditioning so he'd bring a long sleeve t-shirt and his rainbow socks to keep warm. I wish I had those socks with me now. Brrrrr.

Sacha was a fastidious character who didn't like me very much, or very often, but we had some good times on that boat and I miss him. On our good days he taught Alyssa and me to play chess, took great photos, affixed clothes pins to secure the curtain that blocked our cabin, and gave me his shoulder to cry on when I had a little crisis in the Maldives. After all the highs and lows had passed, he took us out for farewell drinks our last night in Gan and it was really said to say goodbye.


wheelo said...

hee...this reminds me of how you carry a sweater or scarf everywhere in houston even in the sweltering heat and humidity.

and sacha...if you're reading how could you not just adore ali???