Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

4 April 2010

I'm back in the Muslim world so I haven't seen any chocolate eggs or Easter bunnies, but I'm thinking of all of y'all celebrators today. Happy Easter!

Alyssa sent me the above photo because [bxA] it reminded her of our Easter last year...

April 2009 - Jounieh, Lebanon. Eggs on Sybaris.

We had just sailed Sybaris from Egypt to Lebanon and were on the boat at the Jounieh Marina just north of Beirut. Elly surprised us with a big breakfast, lots of chocolate and these cool hand drawn eggs. Hard to believe that was a year ago.

April 2009 - Jounieh Marina, Lebanon.

This year, I'm 4,734 miles away from Beirut....and 9,890 miles from Houston.


Nad said...

So it's Easter time again in Lebanon, and the weather is amazing. Spring is my favorite time of the year in Lebanon. The weather is warm but not hot, and the sun is always there. So I'm trying to live the moment, not dwelling on the past (the winter), not projecting into the future (the summer) :-) If you ever succeed in "being in the moment", please tell me how!
Happy Easter